In 1999 Preston School district had a vision of a true alternative high school that taught on a different schedule, focusing on one subject, small class size, housed in an off campus setting for students who were at risk of failure in a traditional setting. Franklin County High School, located in Preston, Idaho, sought accreditation for the first time in 2008 and is currently an accredited institution with NWAC (Northwest Accreditation Commission) an accreditation division of AdvancEd.
We believe this school is a safe place with high standards where students, staff, parents, and our community members are welcomed and are partners in education. We serve at-risk high school students in grades nine through twelve referred from Preston and surrounding school districts. We meet state requirements for credits and graduation. Our school has approximately 48-50 students. To date, we have graduated 486 students in our 16 years of operation. We teach responsibility through efforts to improve attendance, demonstrate success by earning credits, and promote accountability for behavior. We have a working relationship with Preston High School who provides counseling services, Larsen-Sant Public Library, Franklin County Soil & Conservation and the Pocatello Detention Center.
We are implementing our second year of our after-school program funded by Idaho's 21st Century Grant. The students throughout the school year. The program is offered for 3 hours each day after school. The after-school program, Franklin County High School's C.A.S.T. Program, will focus on careers, academics, social & technical skills.